Old Photo of Laura Ingalls & Almanzo Wilder
October 29, 2017A great old photo of Laura Ingalls Wilder & Almanzo Wilder sitting on a tree stump at their home in Mansfield Missouri.

NPR wonders about Little House – “Should we read it to our children..”
September 18, 2017So I saw an NPR story about the 150th birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder so I gave it a listen. I did not expect to hear what I heard but after I heard it I was not surprised. Their attempt to vilify the books and even Caroline Ingalls herself was pretty apparent. Would you expect … Read More

What happened to the house from the Little House TV show?
September 7, 2017Photo from our Trip to Big Sky Movie Ranch in 2012 As we know there are still millions of Little House fans out there and some are more involved than others. Some think the TV show was just like the books and that all the TV episodes were true stories. Some fans don’t even … Read More

Where is the original Little House now?
September 6, 2017There is a lot of talk on the Little House websites about what happened to the set buildings. Some accurate and some not. Most everyone has heard that the buildings had to be removed from the Big Sky Movie Ranch (where the TV show was filmed) after filming was complete so Michael Landon wrote it … Read More

Little House Replica – France
August 30, 2017These are some pics from a Little House fan in France who visited a Little House replica that is an incredible piece of craftsmanship.

Big sky Movie Ranch – Little House Filming Location 2
June 1, 2017View More Pictures of Little House Filming Location >>

Big sky Movie Ranch – Little House Filming Location 1
June 1, 2017This blog post highlights our visit to Big Sky Movie ranch in Simi Valley Ca. We were on a cross country road trip stopping at all the Little House locations we could find. This one was the Holy Grail for fans of the TV series. We got to see only the area where the house … Read More

Big Sky Movie Ranch – Little House filming location part 3
June 1, 2017[button link=”https://jonpohlman.com/more-pics-from-visit-to-little-house-set-location/” type=”big” color=”green”] See More pics from the Big Sky Movie Ranch[/button] View More Pictures of Little House Filming Location >>

Masters Hotel Building in Walnut Grove acquired by Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum
May 6, 2017Apparently the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum has finally been able to purchase the building that used to be the Masters Hotel. Laura worked there for a period of time. Very good news. Here is the link to the whole story. http://www.redwoodfallsgazette.com/news/20170427/masters-hotel-building-in-walnut-grove-acquired-by-laura-ingalls-wilder-museum

WALNUT GROVE SCHOOL HOUSE MODEL from Little House on the Prairie TV series
May 22, 2016This is pretty cool. Mike Cozart makes these awesome models. He did the School/ Church and the Olsen’s Mercantile. The detail is amazing as well as his photos. Nice work. http://mikecozartdesignandmodel.blogspot.com/2012/02/walnut-grove-school-house-model-from.html

Where are they now – Melissa Gilbert
May 18, 2016Melissa Gilbert shows her home in Michigan and explains how she got Michael Landon’s fiddle.

Construction begins on New Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Mansfield, Missouri
April 12, 2015Click here to watch the story. http://www.ky3.com/news/local/construction-beginning-on-new-laura-ingalls-wilder-museum/21048998_32308474

Little House on the Prairie – Melissa Anderson Interview 1
October 18, 2011This is a great interview with Melissa Sue Anderson. She talks about auditioning for the show, and other memories with Michael Landon and the cast of Little House on the Prairie.

Little House On The Prairie Outtakes
October 18, 2011These are some of the best Blooper clips of Michael Landon and the cast of Little House